Elzbieta Pedziwiatr-Werbicka, PhD

Place of employment and position: University of Lodz, Department of General Biophysics, Pomorska 141/143 st., 90-236 Lodz: since September 2011 assistant professor, 2009 – 2011 research assistant Tel./fax (42)6354380/(42) 6354474 Email: epedz@biol.uni.lodz.pl

Academic title: PhD in biophysics


  • 2005 - 2011 – PhD study - Cytogenetics, Molecular Genetics and Medical Biophysics Study, University of Lodz, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection
  • 1997-2002 Master study, major: biology, specialization: biophysics, University of Lodz, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection.

Participation in scientific projects:

  1. As project coordinator:
    • Project Iuventus Plus (Ministry of Science and Higher Education) ”Dendrimers as carriers of drugs used in anti-HIV gene therapy” 2012-2014
    • Financing for young scientists ”Toxicity of mesoporous silica” 2012
  2. As project executive:
    • project of Foundation for Development of Polish Pharmacy and the Medicine "POLPHARMA” 2006-2008
    • project supported by the European Social Fund and State Budget implemented under the Integrated Regional Operational Programme. Project: GRRI-D" 2006-2007
    • EU MNT ERANET ”Anti-HIV short nucleic acids transported by nanovehicles based on dendrimers as novel therapeutical approach for HIV-1 infections” 2007-2009
    • executive programme of scientific and technological cooperation between Italy and Poland ”Study of interactions between dendrimers and prion and Alzheimer’s peptides” 2007-2009
    • project operated within the Foundation for Polish Science Team Programme co-financed by the EU European Regional Development Fund Foundation of Polish Science “Biological Properties and Medical Applications of Dendrimers” 2007-20013
    • COST TD0802 „Dendrimers in biomedical applications”, 2009-2013
    • ERA-Net EuroNanoMed ”Peptides-associated dendrimers in dendritic cells for the development of new nano-HIV vaccines”, 2010-2013
    • bilateral cooperation between Poland and Slovakia “Dendrimers as carriers for siRNA targeted against HIV-1 virus – interactions with membranes” 2010-2011
    • bilateral cooperation between Poland and Czech Republik “Properties of mesoporous silica nanospheres and their ability to interact with nucleic acids” 2013-2014
    • project HARMONIA (National Science Center), bilateral cooperation between Poland-Belarus „Mechanisms of interaction between dendrimers and proteins” 2012 – 2015
    • FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IRSES NANOGENE EU-Belarus-Russia Network in Nanomaterials-Driven Anti-Cancer Gene Therapy, 2013 – 2016


  • Immunomolecular Biology Laboratory in Gregorio Marañon Hospital in Madrid, Spain;
  • Inorganic Chemistry Department, University of Alcalá de Henares, Alcalá, Spain;
  • Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering of NASB, Minsk, Belarus;
  • Department of Biology, J. E. Purkinje University, Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic
  • Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination, CNRS, Toulouse, France;
  • Comenius University of Bratislava, Slovakia;
  • Leibniz Institute fűr Polymerforschung in Dresden, Germany

Research interests

  • nanoparticles (dendrimers, nanogold and nanosilver, mezoporous silica)
  • drug delivery
  • gene delivery
  • nanoparticles:nucleic acids interactions
  • biological and physicochemical methods for characterization of nanomaterials alone or complexed with nucleic acids
  • anticancer and anti-HIV gene therapy