Linked research networks

The International Society for Vaccines (ISV)

ISV is an organization that engages, supports, and sustains the professional goals of a diverse membership in all areas relevant to vaccines

European Network of Vaccine Adjuvants (ENOVA)

NOVA has training courses in vaccinology, the closest is The course “Adjuvants and Vaccine Formulation” is organised by ENOVA partner Vaccine Formulation Institute from 25-28 March 2019 at University of Geneva, Switzerland.


The first European porject focused on metanome on hepatocellular carcinomas for neoantigen discovery.

European AIDS vaccine initiative (EAVI2020)

EAVI2020 is a 23 million euro initiative to accelerate the search for an effective HIV vaccine. Vaccines are the most powerful public health tools available. Developing safe, effective and affordable vaccines that can prevent HIV infection in uninfected people is the best hope for controlling and ultimately ending the HIV epidemic. Developing a therapeutic vaccine could also be beneficial for people living with HIV by helping slow the progression of the disease and prevent or delay the onset of AIDS. Scientists in this consortium are pooling their expertise to make this possible.

Multidisciplinary consortium "Glyco-Nanoparticles for Applications in Advanced Nanomedicine" (NanoCarb)

NanoCarb is a multidisciplinary consortium including universities, research centres and SMEs with broad expertise ranging from nanotechnology, carbohydrate chemistry, glycoprofiling and in vitro/in vivo screening specialists.NanoCarb ETN project that develops glycosylated nanoparticles with enhanced therapeutic actions for healthcare applications. NanoCarb forms NanoCarb network on 8 beneficiaries and 9 partner organizations.